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Ben Cairns & Family

About Me

I am a lifelong conservative that has been graciously transplanted in the Evans, GA area. I grew up in a midwestern town, graduated high school in Colorado, and joined the United States Marine Corps.  My family is of middle class status. I did not grow up thinking of college, as no other member of my family had graduated from college. My time in the Marine Corps helped me grow up and realize what I wanted to do with my life. I got married, had three children, and ended up in Georgia.


Using my Montgomery GI bill I earned a bachelors in business management and later went on for a masters in political science.  Currently, I teach political science, history, and economics courses at Georgia Military College to which I have been employed for ten years.  I have always wanted to run for public office as a way to give back, and when the opportunity came up for an open seat, I decided to take the chance.  Every quarter I teach students to understand the political system, but now it is time to be part of it. 


The goal of this campaign is to run a positive message focusing on issues rather than negative campaign ads that plague the modern campaign cycles.  I would like to be considered a constitutional minded conservative that is open-minded to opposing opinions. Society is not monolithic in its views, and to be so blinded by cultural shifts will lead to political ruin. My entire goal is to bring Georgia into the 21st Century by adhering to traditional values while recognizing shifts in constituent behavior.

Ben and Krista

Ben with Krista, wife of 23 years

Ben and Krista at Marine Corps Ball
Ben and Bear
Ben and Wyatt Four-wheeling
Cairns Family at Marine Corps Graduation
Ben and Pizza

Ben with his dog Bear on the lake

Above: The Cairns Family at Wyatt's bootcamp graduation.



Right: Ben and Krista at the Marine Corps Ball 2000.

Favorite Food: Pizza!

Ben with his son Wyatt on their way to off-road in North Georgia

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The whole extended Cairn's Family including Jake's wife Harmony and Wyatt's fiancé Sarinnah


Ben on his son Jake's graduation day


The Cairns Family is a member of Christ The King Lutheran Church 


Ben pinning Wyatt's new rank of sergeant 

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Young Ben the Marine and his Marine of the Year award

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