Ben Cairns

Georgia House of Representatives District #131

Meet Ben Cairns- A Georgia for the future
Ben Cairns is first and foremost a loving husband and father of three wonderful children. Former United States Marine, business owner, and now a college professor. Georgia has become home to my family and our conservative values. Just as my mission as a professor is to help educate the next generation of Georgia leaders, my mission as your representative from House District 131 is to, with your help and guidance, create the Georgia for the future. Putting Georgia first, is putting America first.

I would like to push for the elimination of the state income tax, and property tax across the state. By broadening the tax base with a consumption tax, all of Georgia will participate in paying taxes. Schools will have more funding because the tax base will not be determined by the property value of the area in question. Everyone participates in the consumption of goods and services. By separating out a state and local sales tax on new goods (not necessities), we will ensure all of Georgia is participating in the funding our great state.
Georgia must recognize that justice must be equally applied to all, and this goes for those who are in positions of power in the justice system. The GA Attorney General must have jurisdiction over locally elected District Attorneys to ensure they are applying state law in an equitable way. I would push for legislation that would grant authority to the Georgia Attorney General to submit a formal request to the General Assembly to remove the District Attorneys that fail to live up to their oath of office. This would further limit the politicization of the legal system in Georgia.
Georgia must recognize the importance of education to not only the state, but our future as a nation. First, we must focus on STEM and Social Science/Language as the core of education. These are the tools of success for students. This is not to say the arts, sports, or other activities are not valuable, but less important than the core of what education is meant to be.
Secondly, we must as a state agree on the definition of biological gender at birth, and legislate accordingly. There are two biological genders, and our sports are organized in terms of them. In order to ensure the most equal treatment under our statutory law, we need to fund and encourage more intramural sports. There must be a legal avenue for all Georgian's to participate in sports and other activities.